Μινιατούρες Safari - White Cobra - Λευκή Κόμπρα

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Contrary to popular belief, the white coloration rarely found in cobras can be the result of different things, rather than just albinism. While albinism is the result of no melanin production, leucism, which is a loss of pigmentation, can also result in predominantly white scales!

Scientific Name: Genus Naja

Characteristics: With immaculate craftsmanship and hand painted details, this cobra figurine captures the iconic essence of the creature, albeit with a unique twist! The texture even simulates the slick, smooth scales present on an actual cobra.

Size and Color: Measuring 15.2 cm long and 6.5 cm in height, our white cobra figurine is a bit larger than a soda can resting on its side. Due to its glistening white scales, this cobra may have a harder time blending in and hunting in the wild.


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